Pearson Wider World NL

Woordenlijsten Pearson Wider World NL

Hier vind je de woordenlijsten van Pearson Wider World NL. Leer de woordjes makkelijk met Wozzol.

Por favor, compruebe si la lista de vocabulario es correcta antes de aprenderlo.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • Add some salt = zout toevoegen
  • Cut up the vegetables. Add some salt and some olive oil. Mix the salad in the bowl. Enjoy!

  • bake a cake = een taart bakken
  • Let's bake a cake for mum's birthday!

  • Boil the water = water koken
  • Boil the water with some salt, add pasta and cook it for about 10 minutes.

  • boiled eggs = gekookte eieren
  • You need a small tin of tuna, three boiled eggs, a small onion and a little mayonnaise to make this salad.

  • cut up = in stukken hakken
  • Can you cut up a small onion for me? I need it for my omelette.

  • fried eggs = gebakken eieren
  • Do you want fried eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast?

  • fry the potatoes = aardappelen bakken
  • I love homemade chips. You simply cut up the potatoes and fry the potatoes in oil.

  • a glass of milk = een glas melk
  • I always drink a glass of milk for breakfast.

  • a packet of crisps = een zak chips
  • What's on your shopping list? Bread, milk and a packet of crisps.

  • scrambled eggs = roerei
  • You need eggs, salt and pepper to make scrambled eggs.

  • tins of beans = blikken bonen
  • I need to buy two tins of beans to make chilli con carne.