
Por favor, compruebe si la lista de vocabulario es correcta antes de aprenderlo.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • allowance = toelage
  • I get £30 a week allowance from my parents.


  • amount = hoeveelheid
  • I get the same amount of pocket money as my friends.


  • bank account = bankrekening
  • I haven't got much money in my bank account.


  • camera phone = cameratelefoon
  • I can take photos with my camera phone.


  • cost = kosten
  • I've got an old mobile phone. It only cost £14!


  • go ice-skating = gaan schaatsen
  • We go ice-skating and go to the cinema, things like that.

    gaan schaatsen

  • hobby = hobby / liefhebberij
  • My father has a great hobby - flying.

    hobby / liefhebberij

  • loads = heel veel
  • Some people have loads of money.

    heel veel

  • normally = gewoonlijk
  • I normally spend my allowance going out with friends.


  • on average = gemiddeld
  • A survey shows that, on average, British teenagers cost their parents £9,000 a year.


  • pocket money = zakgeld
  • I get the same amount of pocket money as my friends.


  • cost = kosten
  • British teenagers cost their parents £9,000 a year.


  • recent = recent / van kort geleden
  • A recent survey shows that British teenagers cost their parents £9,000 a year.

    recent / van kort geleden

  • Show = laten zien
  • Show your work to the other groups.

    laten zien

  • skateboard = skateboarden
  • He has a new skateboard so he is going to the skate-park.


  • spend = geld uitgeven
  • A What do you spend your money on? B Clothes and jewellery.

    geld uitgeven